Top 10 SEO Audit Tools to Maximize Performance (Free & Paid).

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Top 10 SEO Audit Tools to Maximize Performance (Free & Paid).


For years, we’ve heard that nothing beats an in-depth SEO audit for finding out where your site is going wrong. But what does that mean in practice? Well, it means hiring an expert to come over and check out your website’s performance on Google Analytics or some other metric tool. The problem with this approach is that it can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars per hour—and while there are plenty of SEO experts out there willing to do this work pro bono (they definitely deserve it), most people can’t afford their services at all. So how do you get around this issue? Luckily for us mere mortals who want to learn more about our websites’ SEO performance but don’t have time or money for full audits ourselves, there are several free tools available online that will help us perform basic audits without breaking the bank:

1. SEMrush

SEMRush is a powerful tool for SEO audits. It’s expensive, but it’s worth it. With over 10 million users and over 6 million websites analyzed, you can rest assured that your site will be analyzed thoroughly by the SEMrush platform. The interface is easy to use and allows you to perform several different tasks within minutes—including keyword research, organic search traffic research (SEO), website analysis and competitor analysis.

With so many features available (and more being added all the time), this tool has become one of my favorites when it comes to conducting an audit on my own websites or clients’ sites.

2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a powerful tool that can help you to discover, analyze and track your website’s backlinks. It provides the most comprehensive backlink audit solution in the industry. You can also use it to find out who is linking to your competitors, what keywords they rank for, as well as other valuable insights on their websites.

Ahrefs has two free plans: Standard and Platinum (which comes with a $300/month price tag). The latter gives access to additional features such as advanced SEO research tools, competitor analysis reports and more!

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3. WooRank

WooRank is a free tool that offers a lot of useful features. It can help you with keyword research, backlink analysis and on-page optimization. The rank tracker lets you monitor your site’s progress by showing how well it ranks for certain keywords in Google or Bing.

4. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a desktop-based SEO Audit tool that helps you to analyze and optimize a website in terms of its SEO health, performance, and technical issues. The tool crawls your website, evaluates each page on the site using numerous different criteria, and generates reports with detailed insights into the SEO health of your site.

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider has been designed to crawl websites quickly without slowing down or causing any harm to your server resources due to its lightweight codebase. The crawler can also crawl large websites with millions of pages very efficiently because it uses modern techniques such as caching files locally before publishing them back onto the web server so there won’t be any delay while crawling through large amounts data from multiple sources simultaneously!

5. Moz Pro

Moz Pro is another tool that offers many different features, including:

  • Keyword Research. The keyword research tool lets you see how your website ranks for over 40 million keywords and their traffic levels. You can also see how much traffic each keyword gets, which keywords have the highest relative importance to your site (and those who don’t), and much more. This can be useful if you’re trying to find errors in code or identify areas where there might be room for improvement in terms of content relevancy or usability of links pointing back towards these pages so that they will rank better overall when people do decide go looking for information about whatever topic area interests them most currently…

6. Google Analytics & Google Search Console

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website’s performance. It comes with some great features, like tracking web traffic and visitors, but it also has limitations. For example, Google Analytics can’t tell you how many unique visitors are on your site or what they’re doing while they’re there.

You can use Google Search Console to get more information about your search engine rankings (SERPs) and organic traffic sources like Bing and Yahoo! Search Networking Platforms (YSP) as well as social media signals including Facebook Likes/Shares/Follows/Comments etc., which will be helpful if you want to understand where people find out about products or services from your business online–and whether these results match up with what people actually want from those pages listed higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

7. Neil Patel’s Website Audit Tool

Neil Patel’s Website Audit Tool is a free tool that helps you optimize your website for Google. It will help you identify areas of improvement, including:

  • Page load speed (how fast it takes the browser to download content)
  • Speed index (how fast pages load compared to other similar sites)

8. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is a free tool that helps you check if your website is mobile-friendly. It works by analyzing the content of your website and checking if it meets Google’s guidelines.

If your site passes this test, then you don’t need to worry about getting penalized by Google for having broken layouts or not being accessible on mobile devices (which can happen).

9. GTMetrix and Pingdom Website Speed Test

GTMetrix is a free web-based tool that helps you analyze your site’s performance. It allows you to view how fast your pages load, how many requests are being served and what’s causing the delay. You can also use it to test different server configurations, such as using HTTPS or HTTPs instead of regular HTTP connections.

Pingdom Website Speed Test is a free tool that measures the load time of your website using both synthetic (predictive) and real world data from thousands of other sites around the world.

10. WebPageTest

WebPageTest is a free tool that measures the load time of your website. It’s available as a desktop app and a web-based version, which makes it easy to use on any device.

WebPageTest is one of the most popular tools for measuring site speed, with more than 1 million users each month.

It is wise to use many different tools to perform your SEO audits, as each tool has different strengths and weaknesses, providing you with a broad spectrum of data points to help you draw an accurate picture of your site’s SEO performance.

It is wise to use many different tools to perform your SEO audit, as each tool has different strengths and weaknesses, providing you with a broad spectrum of data points to help you draw an accurate picture of your site’s SEO Audit performance.

The first step in performing an audit should be identifying where the most optimization needs are on your site. Because there are so many ways for Googlebot to find pages on a website, it’s important that you understand exactly what information makes up those pages and how they are structured so that you can get as much value out of each tool without having too much overlap between them.


Now that you know how to perform your SEO audit, it’s time to go out and make some improvements. You’ll quickly notice when your website is performing well, but it’s also easy to overlook the little things that could be holding you back from getting more traffic. Use these tools as a guide on how to improve your overall SEO performance by finding any problems before they become too big of an issue.

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